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Press / News
eROSITA Cosmology Results will be announced on Feb 14
Coming soon...
2023 AG poster prize goes to the group member Fabian Balzer
September, 2023
A heartfelt congratulations goes to the Ph.D. student in the eROSITA clusters and cosmology group, Fabian Balzer, for receiving the 2023 German Astronomical Society (AG) Poster Award. Fabian is a graduate student at MPE working on the optical follow-up of the clusters of galaxies detected by eROSITA.
June 28, 2021
A mini-survey called “eFEDS” (the eROSITA Final Equatorial Depth Survey). designed as a preview to the final all-sky survey, eFEDS covers uniformly a patch of about 140 square degrees of the sky (about 1/300th of the all-sky survey), providing a glimpse of what the whole extra-galactic sky will look like in X-rays after eROSITA completes its all-sky survey program in 2023. Astronomers led by Ang Liu discovered more than 477 clusters of galaxies and 19 super clusters in this field, demonstrating the potential of eROSITA of detecting clusters for cosmology.
Dec 29, 2020
Containing various structures with a range of masses, from massive and dense clusters of galaxies to low-density bridges, filaments and sheets of matter, superclusters are among the largest structures in the known universe. Finding and investigating superclusters in detail could be essential in order to improve our understanding of the formation and evolution of large cosmic filaments.A group of astronomers led by Vittorio Ghirardini of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, Germany, reports the discovery of a new supercluster. The structure was identified by the eFEDS survey during its Performance Verification (PV) phase.
Dec 9, 2020
The project "DarkQuest: Shedding Light on the Nature of Dark Matter and Dark Energy with Multi-Wavelength All-Sky Surveys" led by Esra Bulbul at MPE is being funded by an ERC Consolidator grant for the next five years. Taking advantage of the eROSITA survey data, she aims to constrain dark energy and dark matter models.
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